Ομιλητής : Prof. Mihir Kumar Chakraborty (https://sites.google.com/site/mihirkchakraborty/
Μέρος, ώρα : Παρασκευή 12/05, στις 13:35 στην αίθουσα Σεμιναρίων του Τομέα Μαθηματικών ΣΕΜΦΕ, κτ. Ε΄, 2ος όροφος.
Τίτλος : Some Aspects of Mathematical Pluralism
Περίληψη : “In this talk I will provide examples of plurality in mathematics caused because of both the internal as well as external reasons. Thus it will be argued that culture, being understood in a wider sense, plays a significant role in the creation and development of mathematical notions. Recent research called ” Mathematical practices” and “Proof events” may also have justification from this perspective of multiplicity. As a result, from the angles of content and method current uniformity all over the world needs a critical review.”