Σεμινάριο Τομέα. Ομιλητής: Nίκος Γεωργίου. – Παρασκευή 13 Μαρτίου 2020 & ώρα 13:05

Ομιλητής : Nίκος Γεωργίου (University of Sussex, http://www.sussex.ac.uk/profiles/329373)

Μέρος, ώρα : Παρασκευή 13 Μαρτίου 2020 & ώρα 13:05, στην Αίθουσα Σεμιναρίων του Τομέα Μαθηματικών, κτ. Ε΄, 2ος όροφος.

Τίτλος : Order of the variance for discrete Hammersley processes.

Περίληψη : “We discuss the order of the variance on a lattice analogue of the Hammersley process, for which the environment on each site has independent, Bernoulli distributed values.
The last passage time is the maximum number of Bernoulli points that can be collected on a piecewise linear path, where each segment has strictly positive but finite slope.
This model is an exactly solvable example of the KPZ class, but only in certain directions, as the shape function exhibits two flat edges. We study the order of the variance in directions that fall in the flat edge, in directions that approximate the edge of the flat edge, and in directions in the strictly concave section of the shape for the i.i.d. model and for the associated equilibrium model with boundaries. If time permitting, we will discuss the shape function and variance in some inhomogeneous models as well.
This is an exposition of several works with Janosch Ortmann, Elnur Emrah and Federico Ciech”